Data Privacy Statement

We are pleased that you have chosen to visit our website and that you are interested in Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung GmbH. Protecting your personal data is an important matter to us and we would like you to know when we collect what data and how we use them. We have taken technical and organisational measures for your protection which ensure that statutory regulations on data privacy are observed.

Area of validity

This data privacy statement applies to our website as well as to all the domains operated by us. Our website can contain links to websites of third-party providers to improve its user friendliness and for the purpose of further information. As soon as you click on such links, you leave our website. The websites of third-party providers or their data privacy measures are beyond our control. We are not responsible for the information or contents on websites of third-party providers. Personal data which you disclose to third-party providers are not covered by our data privacy statement. For this reason, we recommend that you carefully read the respective data privacy regulations of the company concerned before you disclose personal data to them. Some third-party providers might disclose their personal data to us. In this case, such disclosure is subject to the data privacy regulations of the respective third-party provider.

Personal data

Personal data are details about your personal or material circumstances. Personal data include, for instance, your name, your address, your telephone number, your date of birth, your user IDs and your passwords.

Non-personal data

Non-personal data are information on the use of the website and on service operations which means they cannot be directly related to you personally. We record and analyse non-personal data to evaluate the use of our website. Non-personal data include, for instance, clearly defined URLs, browser type or IP addresses. Most of the non-personal data are gathered by cookies or other analysis technologies.

Data privacy of children

Persons under 18 years of age should not transmit any personal data to us without the approval of their parents or guardians. We do not request personal data from children and adolescents. We do not knowingly collect such data and do not disclose them to third parties.

Collection and processing of personal data

When you visit our website our web servers temporarily save as a standard measure for the purpose of system security the communication data of the calling computer, the pages of our website that you visit, the date and the duration of your visit, the identification data of the browser type and operating system type used and the website that you came from. No other personal data are collected unless you provide such data voluntarily, e.g. when registering for AUEX (Live-Bidding, Online Shop, e-auction), to implement a contract or to request information.

Use and disclosure of personal data

We use the personal data you provide solely in order to constantly optimise our range of services and for the technical administration of our website. We do not sell or rent out your personal data to third parties or provide them to third parties in any other manner, unless

- this is necessary for contract implementation or you have given your express consent thereto. For example, it may be necessary that we disclose your address and order data to our suppliers when you place orders for products.
- we have received a duly authorised request for data from government authorities.
- an enforceable order from an authority or a court is presented to us.
- it is necessary to prevent abuse/fraud or to protect our rights and our property.

Use and disclosure of non-personal data

We collect non-personal data in order to obtain data on the usability, performance and effectiveness of our website.

Deletion of data

We delete your data insofar as they are no longer necessary for the purposes named or for billing. Please note that whenever data are deleted, they are initially only blocked and are finally deleted with a time lag in order to prevent any inadvertent deletions or any intentional damage. For technical reasons, data are copied into data back-up files and copies are made of the mirroring of services. These copies are also deleted, where applicable after a time lag for technical reasons.

Use of cookies

We use cookies to improve the quality of the structure and content of our website and to ensure that navigation around our website is user friendly and as smooth as possible. We set so-called session cookies only during your visit on our website. They serve to record the products that were viewed from your PC or were placed in your shopping basket while you continue to surf. They also help to increase your security whilst you surf. Once you leave our website or do not click on it for a while, these short-lived cookies are deleted again.
Cookies cannot cause any damage on your PC. They neither pose any risk to security by spreading viruses nor do they spy on your PC. You decide how cookies are treated.
Please use the help function of your browser to allow, refuse, inspect or delete them.
User profiles can be created from these data using a pseudonym and cookies can be used for this purpose. Cookies are small text files which are saved locally in the cache of the visitor's internet browser. Cookies enable the internet browser to be recognised again.
The data collected with the etracker technologies are not used to personally identify visitors of this website or to combine them with personal data about the pseudonym user without the special approval of the person concerned. The collection and saving of data can be cancelled at any time with effect for the future.


We take all the technical and organisational measures that are necessary to protect your personal data against loss and abuse. Your data are saved in a secure operating environment which is not accessible to the public. In certain cases, your personal data are encrypted upon transmission by the so-called Secure Socket Layer technology (SSL). SSL encryption guarantees that nobody apart from us can read the data. This security feature is active if in the lower section of your browser window you can see either the symbol of an intact key or a closed lock (depending on your browser). Should you contact us by e-mail, we point out that no guarantee is given for the confidential treatment of the information transmitted. The content of e-mails can be read by third parties. For this reason, we recommend that you send us confidential information solely by post.

Right to information

You naturally have the right to receive information free of charge upon request on the personal data saved by us. In addition, you are entitled to have incorrect data corrected and to have data blocked and deleted.
To do so, please contact us by e-mail:

Gorny & Mosch Giessener Münzhandlung GmbH
Frau Gabriela Cotta
Maximiliansplatz 20
80333 München